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THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Israel will respond to charges of genocide at the United Nations’ top

Israel will respond to genocide charges at UN court after South Africa urgently requests cease

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Israel will respond to charges of genocide at the United Nations’ top court on Friday, after South Africa filed an urgent request with the court to order a cease-fire in Gaza.

It’s the third time that the International Court of Justice, or ICJ, has held hearings on the Israel-Hamas war since South Africa filed proceedings at The Hague-based court in December..

On Thursday, South Africa told the court that the situation in Gaza has reached “a new and horrific stage,” and urged the 15 judges to take urgent action. Israel must “totally and unconditionally withdraw” from the Gaza Strip, said Vusimuzi Madonsela, South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands.

South Africa has submitted four requests for the ICJ to investigate Israel. According to the latest request, the country says Israel’s military incursion in Rafah threatens the “very survival of Palestinians in Gaza.”

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